Survey Results are In

In March 2024, Urban Development Advisors conducted a short, on-line survey to get a better understanding of residents and business owners’ opinions about assorted topics in Downtown Meadville. 325 people responded to the survey.


Visit downtown either every day or at least several times a week


Believed there was a need for a dedicated Community Revitalization Corporation (CRC) focused on Downtown.


Do not have issues with finding parking.

In the multi-choice question regarding what types of retail businesses are needed in Downtown,  the two largest responses were for restaurants and clothing stores. There were also high responses for specialty retail, home goods and boutiques.

This survey was not comprehensive but was intended to provide the consultant team and the Steering Committee with a better understanding of how people feel about Downtown. As the Steering Committee (and eventually a CRC) delves deeper into the types of improvements, programs and activities needed to make Downtown more vibrant, additional surveys should be conducted.

Read the Complete Survey Results Here 

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