Meadville is lucky to have several community and economic development organizations working to better our community, but none have the explicit mission and staff capacity to lead and implement downtown (re)development and public improvement initiatives. Communities with thriving downtowns often have a dedicated organization and staff who are waking up every day thinking about how to make downtown better. 

Community Revitalization corporations (CRC’s) (also referred to as community development corporations) bring together different players–like private developers/investors, business, government and charitable organizations–for a focused strategy to improve the vibrancy of the downtown and community.  CRC’s do this by facilitating public-private partnerships, leveraging grants, tax credits and other development financing tools for difficult-to-develop real estate or by spearheading public improvement projects (curbs/sidewalks, lighting, traffic signals, public art, etc.).  A group of stakeholders were invited to form a steering committee to imagine the possibilities of how a CRC dedicated to downtown revitalization could deliver a shared vision for a vital Meadville.

Meadville Community Revitalization Corporation

Our Mission Statement

The mission of MCRC is to foster economic development in greater Downtown Meadville.

Companies & Partnerships

Who’s On the Team

It’s a team effort to make things happen! We’ve gathered members of the community representing various interests and partnered with outside consultants to ensure all aspects are covered.

Landscape of Downtown Improvements

What Are We Doing

The Steering Committee has been meeting regularly to review the landscape of existing planning documents and downtown improvement efforts and reviewing best practices and lessons learned from other communities. The Steering Committee is excited to engage the broader Meadville community to better understand the challenges and opportunities facing Downtown Meadville and to inform the development of a vision and multi-year strategy to improve the downtown.

Reports & Updates

Learn about what a CRC could means for Downtown Meadville

See the Survey Results

Learn about what a CRC could means for Downtown Meadville

Read the Final Report

Read the final report and recommendations for Meadville’s Downtown.

Revitalization Corporation for Downtown Meadville

Learn about what a CRC could means for Downtown Meadville

Questions & Input

Have a Question?

If you have question or would like to offer input regarding the Downtown Meadville CRC, please submit them through the form here, and we'll review them.

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